The lesson is intended for children in year grades 1-6.
If done in detailed blocks, this lesson take 30 minutes.
The lesson can be done with large groups, small classes or individuals.
Some people confuse having rights and being able to exercise those rights. We all have rights and no matter what we do these rights cannot be taken away from us. Sometimes we cannot exercise our rights because of the actions of others who may not respect our rights. This does not however take away our rights.
Many rights relate to our health, wellbeing, and safety. Rules and laws protect our right to being safe. We have a responsibility to follow rules and laws, respect our rights and the rights of others. Where possible to be responsible for our own and others safety. Adults are first and foremost responsible for keeping children safe.
With every right comes a responsibility. A responsibility is a duty or something someone should do or think about and may impact on other people. A responsibility can be a chore at home or school, or it can be following rules, helping people in our community to feel safe. All of us are members of a community. A community can be small, like a classroom or school or as large as city or country.
It is the responsibility of adults to protect children and young people and keep them safe from harm. Abuse is never the fault of the child or young person.
We all have the right to create boundaries for the protection of our personal space. Personal space is the area around an individual they psychologically feel is their space. This space differs from person to person as well as depending on one’s culture. Some may call personal spaces their personal bubble. We have a right to ask people not to come into our bubble.
Learning about consent teaches us about healthy boundaries and empowers us to have autonomy over our bodies. It gives us power and control over who we share physical touch with. It is critical to know if we are feeling uncomfortable, we have a right to say ‘stop or ‘no’ and it’s the other persons responsibility to listen and stop immediately.
Asking for consent is how we can help people feel safe and it’s important to ask for consent and not just assume the other person will be okay with it. We have a responsibility to ask for consent before being in another person personal space.
We all have rights and with rights comes responsibility?
Rights and responsibilities feature in our daily lives, especially in our relationships with others.
We all have a right to body autonomy and a responsibility to ask for consent
The relationship between rights and responsibilities in everyday life.
Being respectful makes people feel safe.
Importance of setting personal boundaries.
What seeking and giving consent means.
Match rights with related responsibilities.
Reflect on personal space and consent.
Handle uncomfortable situations where boundaries may be crossed.
Asking for consent is how we can help people feel safe and it’s important to ask for consent and not just assume the other person will be okay with it. We have a responsibility to ask for consent before being in another person personal space.