
The lesson is intended for children in year grades 1-6.


If done in detailed blocks, this lesson take 30 minutes.


The lesson can be done with large groups, small classes or individuals.

In this topic

Private parts
Who Can Touch Our Private Parts
trciky people

Body autonomy is defined by the United Nations SWOP Report 2021 - Autonomy | United Nations Population Fund (unfpa.org) as the power and agency a person has over their body and future, without violence or coercion. In other words, all people – including children – have a right to be in control of their body without pressure or coercion from others. To live free from physical acts, such as touch, to which they do not consent.

It is important we all learn to set our own boundaries and respect the boundaries of others.  When we understand body autonomy we are: Less likely to fall victim to sexual abuse and sexual assault Less likely to experience intimate partner violence  More likely to report experiences of abuse.  

Everyone’s body is unique and special. Taking care of our bodies includes saying who can come into our personal space and who can touch us. Teaching body autonomy and consent is an important tool to help prevent sexual abuse.


We all have a right to feel safe all the time We can talk to someone about anything.


Body autonomy - ‘you are boss of your body’ Private parts and their proper names Tricky people  Actions we can take to talk to trusted adults  


Identify safe touch, unsafe touch, unwanted touch. Develop skills to report unwanted and unsafe touch Know where to get help if needed. Identify proper names for private parts.

Key Point

It is important we all learn to set our own boundaries and respect the boundaries of others.

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Ally knew body private parts were special.

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Ally covers them up with bathers when swimming.


Private parts have proper names vagina, vulva, breasts, penis, testicles, bottom.

Extend and discuss

Why we need to have proper names for private body parts.

Private parts are the parts of our bodies we cover with underwear or bathers because they are private.  What does ‘private’ mean?

Discuss how some families have nicknames for private parts. Your group may like to share nicknames their family uses for private body parts. Families have lots of different names for private parts. Some being boobs, weenie, balls, bum, gina, fanny, dick.  It is important to know the proper names breasts, vagina, penis, testicles, anus. Because if we need to tell someone it may be confusing if we use a nickname. If we needed to tell someone has touched our penis and we used the word pencil instead of penis, the person, we told may not take it seriously. 

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Ally has been told there is safe touch, like a pat on the arm from a friend.

Extend and discuss

Touches that make us feel safe, cared for and important. Safe touches can include hugging or hanging onto hands. Sometimes adults must touch private parts for health reasons. Safe touch may include touches that hurts such as when Mum removes a splinter, or a doctor must do something if we are injured. These should never be a secret. 

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Unsafe touch like when someone is punched or pushed.

Extend and discuss

These are touches that hurt our feelings or bodies such as hitting, pushing, or pinching. These touches are not ok and make us feel unsafe. Remember we all have a right to feel safe all the time. 

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And there is confusing touch when someone feels creeped out...

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...when they are touched on a part of their body that is private.

Extend and discuss

If someone breaks the rules even if they stop it is important to tell a trusted adult, it’s never too late to tell what happened. Remember ‘we can talk to someone about anything’.


What is a confusing touch?

Extend and discuss

Discuss and reinforce persistence in telling a trusted adults until they feel safe.

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Ally fell from a seesaw and was hurt on the private parts.

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Mum took Ally to the doctor.

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The doctor will check Ally’s private parts to make sure everything is ok.

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Ally was so embarrassed.

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Ally’s Mum explained Ally could ask questions at any time...

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...specially if they are going to touch your body.


Who can touch our private parts to keep us clean and healthy?

Extend and discuss

We can talk to someone about anything - doesn’t matter how big or small.

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Ally’s friends at school were playing behind the trees.

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An older kid came and joined them.

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Ally knew they shouldn’t be playing there and suggested another game.

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One of Ally’s friends asked Ally to go look to see if anyone was coming. Ally said no.

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He said if Ally didn’t, he would tell the teacher it was Ally’s idea to play behind the trees.

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Ally felt very hurt and went to find other people to play with.

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Ally was hanging out at a mate’s house.

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He meets a new person visiting his mates’ family.

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They were checking out Ally’s mate’s older brother’s car in the driveway.

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The brother needed a spanner. Ally offered to get a spanner from the garage.

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The person Ally had just meet was in the garage looking at pictures on their phone of people with no clothes on and being sexy.

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The person said to Ally “if you don’t tell anyone what you saw, I will show you more pictures.

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Ally thought this was way too weird telling the person no.

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Ally walked away.


If someone is bribing or tricking and it is making us feel unsafe what can we do?

Extend and discuss

Group discuss all the words that could be used to describe a ‘tricky’ person. 

The term Tricky people means they may try to deceive us or bamboozle us. Tricky people may offer a bribe or make us feel we should do something for them as they have been nice and done something for us. There are times people try to do things that break the rules. One way is by offering a bribe to do something that is not ok or break the safety rules. If someone is tricky and offers to buy things or make plans to do something exciting, we need to stop, think about what is going on, and ask a trusted adult before agreeing to doing anything. 

Adults or older teenagers are not to touch our private parts unless it is to keep us healthy and safe.  Adults or older teenagers are not to ask us to touch their private parts or show pictures of private parts. Remember we all have a right to feel safe and its adults and older teenagers’ responsibility to keep us safe.

If someone touches our body they shouldn’t ask us to keep it a secret this is not ok.